I recently discovered RansomLord. It is a tool designed to defeat ransomware before they even try to encrypt your files. My goal here is to raise an alert in Wazuh whenever a DLL generated by RansomLord is accessed.

Step 1

Download RansomLord latest version from the repo. Right now it is RansomLord v3.1.

Step 2

Open a terminal and go to the directory where you saved RansomLord_v3.1.exe . Type RansomLord_v3.1.exe -a to display the 'About' screen.


Step 3

Now let's generate the trapped DLLs.

You can type RansomLord_v3.1.exe -i to display all the options and read a quick description. I chose to generate as many DLLs as possible.

Type the following command to launch RansomLord and validate with enter when asked : RansomLord_v3.1.exe -g *

Do not worry if you only have 12 files generated after this operation : some DLLs are used by several malwares. RansomLord has created 2 folders : x32 and x64. For the remaining steps, I chose to put all the files in the same folder.


Step 4

This step is probably the most difficult. You have to move these DLLs somewhere in your disk or network where a ransomware would search. I did a quick search and read that most ransomwares are searching through the network first, so I created a folder on a network share with a name starting with an underscore to be sure this one will be accessed first.

Do NOT attempt replacing original Windows OS DLL files !

Step 5

Create a custom rule in Wazuh. I added this bloc in the local_rules.xml file :

 <group name="RansomLord,">

  <rule id="100057" level="15">
    <field name="win.system.providerName">^RansomLord$</field>
    <field name="win.system.eventID">1</field>
    <description>Activation d'une DLL piégée par RansomLord sur $(win.system.computer)</description>


Keep in mind that the number 100057 is for my own need, you should change it if you already have a 100057 custom rule in your file. Notice that if this rule is triggered, it will raise a level 15 alert.

Save the file and restart the wazuh-manager service.

Step 6

Now let's try to generate an alert. Every Windows OS has the rundll32.exe utility it will be very helpful. Let's use it to access a trapped DLL on a Wazuh endpoint. The syntax is :

rundll32.exe C:\Path\to\your\trapped\DLLs\trapped_DLL_name.dll,random_text_imitating_a_function_name

Example :

rundll32.exe C:\Tests\DLL\mpr.dll,HelloHowAreYou

This should immediately add a new entry in the Windows eventlog in the Application channel :


And also a level 15 alert in Wazuh (here in French) :

    "rule": {
      "firedtimes": 1,
      "mail": true,
      "level": 15,
      "description": "Activation d'une DLL piégée par RansomLord sur XXXXXXX.local.XXXXXX.fr",
      "groups": [
        "id": "100057"

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